Autographed Paintings
Last year at Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo I was very excited to be involved as a vendor and have the opportunity to meet some of my favourite characters and have them sign my work. I am a newbie when it comes to Game of Thrones. After Season 1 was released I was hooked. I bought the books and am now patiently waiting for George R. R. Martin to finish the series! Since the first season my favourite character was Tyrion. I loved his wit and even though he was born a Lannister he has a relatable personality. In the show and the books you really see into the characters complex traits and make a connection with his sincerity and vulnerability. Being able to meet Peter Dinklage and have him sign my work was an amazing experience. He was so kind and down to earth. He told me " Your art work is really amazing, but you need to pick more interesting subject matter."
Another highlight was meeting the legendary Carrie Fisher. Growing up I wanted to be Princess Leia, she was so courageous and brave. I think that Leia Organa is a great figure to look up to for little girls. It was really surreal being able to meet the woman that was my childhood idol.
Looking forward to this years Expos this weekend and adding another autographed painting to my collection! Hint: I think I am going to need a doctor this year